Gentle Reader, Welcome to my little Glen on the web. I've thought for a while about what to put in this introductory area, so here goes a stab at it. I'm a 31 year old lawyer living in the District of Columbia, the last U.S. Colony (warning: I tend to be more than a bit of a partisan when it comes to my chosen home city). I started this little diary site the fall of 1999 for the hell of it, and it's kind of stuck with me. I'm gradually opening up more on here, though I still respect the privacy concerns/rights of those of whom I write - I usually use nicknames rather than real names (with the notable exceptions of Doug, Richard, and Lawrence). So why Moose? Because I collect them. Stuffed animals, ceramics, sun catchers, drink coasters, etc. I've got moose all over my room at home and in the kitchen (I even have moose oven mitts!). I keep looking for a moose shower curtain, but I've not found one I like as yet (if you see any, let me know - emphasis is on "like" in that last sentence; there are many out there, but most are pretty damned tacky, and while I can go for tacky some days, I don't think I can handle it in the bathroom). Besides the collecting, I love having the nickname, because when most people think of someone with the name "Moose" they picture some big old linebacker with huge shoulders who's about 6'3" or so. Then they meet this skinny little 5'6" runner. :-) Nothing quite like challenging people's assumptions. Yes, I do go by Moose in everyday life now. The name has just stuck with me, and I've gladly embraced it offline as well as on. It's not what I go by at work or in my political life (for those I'll stick with my parentally given name, thank you very much), but it is increasingly what I am known as in my personal life with my friends, especially those who know me from gay.com. You'll discover that I do discuss my various piercings (I have had several - though I had to remove the nipple rings) and my choice to live polyamorously more than most topics. Polyamory takes a lot of work, and so it tends to find it's way onto the diary pages more than most topics. I like to rant when I have time, enjoying the chance to express myself in writing (well, I am a lawyer after all - that's what we do all day, write!). The diary goes through stages, on and off, when I'm more or less engaged with the writing and updating. I try not to go in and do retroactive entries, but do check the Archives if you think you've missed something. I number each entry, so you can stay abreast of things by watching for that and/or the dates. I've also posted a Cast of Characters to try and give some help to the readers (and myself) on telling folks apart. So, welcome to the Glen, enjoy the site/sights, and feel free to send me feedback (please! I like fan mail!). Moose *&^) This page last updated 2004-02-16 |
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