Moose's Exercise Journal

Monday, August 30, 2004
04/08/30 a.m. 35:33 Run in RCP (~5 km). AHR: 164; MHR: 178; Recovery: 48. Lap 1: 17:14; 159 AHR; Lap 2: 18:18; 168 AHR. Good steady run. Nothing unusual, nothing out of the ordinary. Am getting better and starting out slow to warm up, then getting going after about 5-6 minutes, which seems to help my shins.

Saturday, August 28, 2004
04/08/28 a.m. 32:56 bike to Hains Point pool (~11.9 km); AHR 141; MHR 171. Bike down, no worries. The swim workout was dreadful. I don't think I've had a worse one yet. After trying to swallow half the pool on the last 50, I called it quits after just 400. Heart wasn't in it. 43:34 bike home (~12.6 km); AHR 133; MHR 163. Took it easy biking home, stayed in a cood cadence for most of the ride, with some lifting in the saddle at the Calvert street hill. The ride up 17th street actually went really well this time; I'm getting better at a steady clip in the low gear up a steep incline.

Friday, August 27, 2004
04/08/27 p.m. 35:10 Run in RCP (~5 km). AHR: 166; MHR: 182; Recovery: 48. Lap 1: 17:21; 160 AHR; Lap 2: 17:49; 173 AHR. Good run. Humid out, some slight soreness in the inside lower legs at the start, but that quickly stretched out and was fine. Nothing extraordinary, just a nice, normal run.

Thursday, August 26, 2004
04/08/26 a.m. 31:43 in the YWCA pool; 16 laps (800 meters). Good drill session, there were definite moments where I felt things coming together. Then there were reminders that I have a long way to go. Still driving my leading hand down too quickly when I'm actually swimming, and raising my head up too far to breathe. It'll come, and at least I'm recognizing the flaws now. Overall a good session, though. Shorter breaks between laps/lengths this time around.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
04/08/25 p.m. 36:03 Run in RCP (~5 km). AHR: 164; MHR: 179; Recovery: 41. Lap 1: 17:37; 158 AHR; Lap 2: 18:26; 170 AHR. Good run, a touch humid out. Last part of the 2nd half I concentrated on reducing my HR back down into the chosen zone. Worked, mostly, which is pretty good when you're running uphill.

Monday, August 16, 2004
04/08/16 a.m. 36:36 bike to work (~13.1 km); AHR 147; MHR 172. Decided to bike in today, with nothing planned in the early evening tonight. Uneventful ride for the most part. Did dodge off the trail to miss the small bobcat tractor they use to clear the trail (hooray for having a mountain bike!). Lots of evidence of flooding on the trail, too, lots of mudd and sand piled up in places, and some trees down near one of the bridges, too. Otherwise was good, with only moderate humidity and cool temps.

04/08/16 a.m. 36:36 bike to work (~13.1 km); AHR 147; MHR 172. Decided to bike in today, with nothing planned in the early evening tonight. Uneventful ride for the most part. Did dodge off the trail to miss the small bobcat tractor they use to clear the trail (hooray for having a mountain bike!). Lots of evidence of flooding on the trail, too, lots of mudd and sand piled up in places, and some trees down near one of the bridges, too. Otherwise was good, with only moderate humidity and cool temps.

04/08/16 a.m. 36:36 bike to work (~13.1 km); AHR 147; MHR 172. Decided to bike in today, with nothing planned in the early evening tonight. Uneventful ride for the most part. Did dodge off the trail to miss the small bobcat tractor they use to clear the trail (hooray for having a mountain bike!). Lots of evidence of flooding on the trail, too, lots of mudd and sand piled up in places, and some trees down near one of the bridges, too. Otherwise was good, with only moderate humidity and cool temps.

04/08/16 a.m. 36:36 bike to work (~13.1 km); AHR 147; MHR 172. Biked to work this morning, took the medium distance route around East Potomac Park (but not the long way around Hains Point). Good ride, a little muddy in places, and did dodge the little tracktor thing they use to clear the trail (yay for having a mountain bike!). There was definite evidence of flooding on the trail in sections near the creek - lots of sand and mud washed up and pushed out of the way. Cool temps, not too humid out. Very nice.

Sunday, August 15, 2004
04/08/15 a.m. 15:45 bike to YWCA (~5.0 km); AHR 138; MHR 162. Biked down to the Y via 11th street. Uneventful ride, though it's been a while so the legs were a little sore. Swam for 45 minutes, about 1,100 meters (22 laps), doing drills. Today's focus was breathing and turning while staying long. Going to need more work this upcoming week, but that's perfectly fine! Forgot to log the ride home, but ended up stopping twice, once to go to Hechts and once to make some phone calls. The ride up was fine.

Thursday, August 12, 2004
04/08/12 a.m. 30:00 in the YWCA pool; 16 laps (800 meters). At least, I think the lap count is correct. ^_^ Wasn't paying that much attention to it, so it might be 1 or 2 off. Did drills again, settled into laps that were one length drill, one length swim practice. Transitions from water to breathing while staying balanced was the emphasis this morning, and that got more comfortable as the workout progressed. Is nice to see improvement just in a single drill session. Next week is drill set two, extending the body out. Finished the workout with a 100, trying to emphasize staying long and balanced and, overall, relaxed. That helped. I'm learning that I start to get out of breath and a mild form of panic sets in and speeds me up, trying to get to the wall and that rest break, rather than calming down and slowing down so I can catch up on breathing. That'll be something to work on for furture workouts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004
04/08/10 a.m. 24:00 in the YWCA pool. Did drills this morning, "Lesson One: Press the Buoy," practicing keeping the head down and the hips up. Fun! Drilled and swam until my form started to break down and hopped out. Will repeat Thursday. The annoying part is the whole breath thing; a good part of these particular drills is spent with your face down in the water until you have to come up for air. :-p Not my idea of fun, but it's getting me to the right place in my form, so I work through 'em.

Monday, August 09, 2004
04/08/09 p.m. 34:01 Run in RCP (~5 km). AHR: 163; MHR: 181; Recovery: 57. Lap 1: 17:14; 157 AHR; Lap 2: 16:47; 170 AHR. Got my negative split. :-) Was trying for that this morning, taking it easy going out, keeping the rate down, then pushing on the way back. Still cool out there (mid 60s), so again was perfect running weather. Wish it were like this all the time!

Saturday, August 07, 2004
04/08/07 p.m. 46:25 Run in RCP (~6.2 km). AHR: 160; MHR: 172; Recovery: 53. Lap 1: 23:10; 156 AHR; Lap 2: 23:15; 165 AHR. Went a bit further today (I'm guessing on the distance from an average pace), around the tunnel to the car bridge and back. Perfect weather, 59 degrees, cool, no humidity. Wonderful stuff. Kept it sane and steady this morning, and got through just fine.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004
04/08/04 p.m. 38:05 Run in RCP (~5.0 km). AHR: 158; MHR: 172; Recovery: 47. Lap 1: 18:59; 151 AHR; Lap 2: 19:06; 164 AHR. You know, when I started going slow I expected there to be a much larger difference than just 1.5 to 2 minutes. Took it very slow, in deference to sore muscles from the weights Monday. Kept the HR way down, but kept moving. Felt fine, though I noticed every little thing my hamstrings and glutes were doing this morning (they're the most sore from the workout - which tells me I have been neglecting them for far too long).

Tuesday, August 03, 2004
04/08/03 a.m. 13:00 in the YWCA pool; 16 lengths (400 meters). Tired this morning, haven't slept well the past two nights. Was feeling the weights, but not in a bad way. Tried to focus on staying stretched out in the pool, and not stressing over breathing (which worked pretty well this morning, thankfully). Did the 400 meters and called it quits. New goggles worked well (had tried to swim Sunday, but the old goggles broke in the locker room beforehand - they were replaced that afternoon, and I have a backup pair now, too), though they left me with a racoon face even after the shower.

Monday, August 02, 2004
04/08/02 a.m. Weights at the YWCA. First time doing weights in a while. Emphasis was low weight, lots of reps. Did well, save the lunges, which I cut short (and cut the little bit of weight I was holding - 8lbs each - down to 0 in each hand). Otherwise it went well, and I'll likely feel it tomorrow.