Moose's Exercise Journal

Saturday, August 23, 2003
03/08/23 a.m. 54:55 run in RCP (~5 mi). Not a bad run. Had to walk some, the bruise felt sore, but the hip did not, and neither did the knee. Good signs, all. I'll have to do run/walk next Sunday, but that's okay, that I'm running it at all is a good thing.

Thursday, August 21, 2003
03/08/21 a.m. 17:49 run in RCP (~1.5 mi). A bit better this morning. Joint was sore at a certain point, then it seemed to relax into the run and was fine. Is a little sore here while resting afterward, but I think at this point I'll be able to do the race, albeit with walking breaks. I'll try a slightly longer run on Saturday and see how that goes.

Monday, August 11, 2003
03/08/11 a.m. 20:58 run in RCP (~1.5 mi). Not so hot this morning. After the bike accident last saturday (the 2nd), my leg is still sore. This morning was intended to take things easy and see how the leg is doing. I'll continue to rest it until this upcoming Saturday (won't be hard - I'm travelling this week). It felt a tad awkward, the hip joint is still sore and, strangely, the right knee was a little sore, too. Don't know if that's from the accident or the need for new shoes, or both, or what. Another week of resting it should get me in good stead. I still want to run this 1/2 marathon at the end of the month, but I'm not going to kill myself for it.