Moose's Exercise Journal

Friday, February 07, 2003
03/02/07 a.m. 22:29 treadmill run (2.0 mi). Snow, snow, snow! Like 6-9" of the stuff, so no running outdoors today (sorry, haven't gotten snowshoes yet). Was not bad, was a good, hard run, but sooooooooo boring. I'm not used to listening to the radio when I run anymore, so that was oddly distracting. Not bad, just odd. Needed the run, got one in, though I'd much prefer running outside, of course.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003
03/02/05 a.m. 25:19 run in RCP (~2.0? mi). Further than halfway, less than the full three miles. Close enough. It's below freezing, though barely. Run went pretty well. I should sleep better tonight, which'll help for later runs this week.

Saturday, February 01, 2003
03/02/01 a.m. 34:58 run in RCP (~3.0 mi). Wet out this morning, very muddy. Kicked it up about halfway through the second half, hence the slightly faster time (because I was actually slower on the way out than I was yesterday because of all the mud). Good run, though distracted because of the news this morning about the shuttle.