1 October, 2008

Mardi Gras Colors

Category: Knitting — Moose @ 11:21 pm

A little early (or late) for this color set, but hey, the next hat’s done.

MG Hat 1

MG Hat 2

MG Hat 3

MG Hat 4

MG Hat 5

28 September, 2008


Category: Biking,Cooking,Exercise,Food,Games,Geek,Knitting,Television,Work — Moose @ 6:35 pm

Got completely and utterly soaked on this afternoon’s ride. It had been threatening rain on and off all day, and I’d been a zombie most of the day, so I finally got going around 4 or so. Was great for the first 2 long loops, then a little over halfway into the third the bottom dropped out. Not much to do but keep riding at that point, and it’s not like I’ve never raced in the rain (Mooseman, Richmond Powersprint, anyone?). Did an additional short loop – was considering going for the long loop again as it started lightening up, but then the bottom dropped out, again, on the backside of the short loop, so I headed in after that one.

Yesterday was all about being a slug. Got up late, knitted (per the previous post) & caught up on TV. Played Bioshock. Made pancakes. Was fantastic, especially after the chaos of the previous weekend, and the mess of the work week.

27 September, 2008

More Projects Down

Category: Knitting — Moose @ 2:21 pm

Finished up another hat today, on some fun green variegated yarn:

Green Hat

Green Hat 2

Green Hat 3

And I finally uploaded a picture of the navy one I did a bit ago:

Navy Fisherman's Hat

23 September, 2008

No Way To Run A Government

Category: Body,Food,Friends,Health,Knitting,Law,Politics,Work — Moose @ 10:27 pm

I cannot help but think the four men sitting in front of Congress today were quite full of shit. All of this while the Congress still hasn’t even funded the federal government for the next fiscal year, and can’t seem to decide on how they’re going to temporarily fund us, and for how long. This is, as I’ve often said, no way to run a government.

Long, busy day at work doing things I can’t talk about. Whee. I’ll mention the old adage about not wanting to see laws or sausages being made and leave it at that. And it’s going to start early tomorrow, too. Whee.

Got to see Dean, Richard and Gene for dinner this evening, which was quite nice. I find myself almost wishing for Metro rides across town as it gives me time to sit/stand and knit. I think I got a good 1/2 inch to an inch done on the hat I’m working on now. The downside is that my foot’s now sore again after walking around.

Tomorrow evening should be nice and quiet, with more needed straightening to do, but otherwise nothing is on the schedule, and I’m looking forward to that.

4 September, 2008

Foot Update

Category: Annoyances,Body,Health,Knitting,Stress,Work — Moose @ 10:26 pm

I’ll write up the last bit of the trip to SF this weekend, promise, but first a foot update.

Got myself zapped yesterday afternoon at my podiatrist’s office. The worst part of the whole procedure was getting anesthetized by the doc, since he had to jab a needle in either side of my ankle to get to the nerves there and numb the bottom of the foot completely without affecting the rest of the foot. The inside took a while, where he found the outside right as he stuck the needle in. Regardless, I was pretty sore today from the jabbing around inside. I was especially annoyed at the “this should last for about an hour” when I was still mostly numb at midnight when I finally went to bed. Was back to normal this morning, aside from being very, very sore around the ankle.

The zapping itself was easy, I just sat there (and knitted) while the machine send sound waves into my foot, and the technician made sure my foot stayed in place for it. Not exactly exciting, which was fine by me.

Was slow going this morning, and I actually ended up leaving work a bit early today as well. Got a little nauseous, and had a nasty headache. Couldn’t take anything for the headache because the aftercare says no anti-inflammatories for the next month if they can be avoided. Part of the ESWT is to induce inflammation so the body will heal the foot, so negating that would be bad. So I left early and came home to do laundry. Well, came home after I got a replacement iPhone for the one I dropped while in SF and cracked the screen on. But that’s for the next update.

31 July, 2008

Competing Interests

Category: Body,Food,Friends,Knitting,Work — Moose @ 7:53 pm

My training is competing with my social life, and for now the social life is winning. And I’m okay with that.

Been out several nights this week, with tonight no exception. Had dinner with MG last night, and managed to run into Bug randomly on the Metro on the way home. Tonight it’s a wine bar to help a friend celebrate a new job/promotion. Fun stuff, and I’m glad for the chances to get out & about.

As I posted earlier I finished up the latest hat I was working on, thanks to a ton of waiting time at my hair salon. My stylist is on her usual month-plus summer vacation to head home to Indonesia, so I had whoever was there. Apart from clippering my hair too high (I look like a 12 y/o whose mom took him to the barber shop & said, “don’t give him a high & tight,” so the barber didn’t. barely), he was also double booked, so I was quite late meeting MG for dinner.

Work was a lot more productive today than it has been of late. A couple of looming deadlines helped, but so has the getting out & letting loose.


Category: Knitting — Moose @ 7:12 pm

Finished the 2nd hat this evening. I’d gotten a ton done on it yesterday while I waited for forever for my hair appointment (long story). So I wrapped up the last few rows this evening, and finished it off.

Fishman's Cap, Tan

28 July, 2008


Category: Knitting — Moose @ 10:09 pm

Finished up the beer cozy this evening. Had started it up, finally, on Friday. Took 4 or so starts before I finally got the hang of the increases on the double pointed needles. On the advice of the woman at my LYS, I didn’t knit it terribly tightly. Should have done it a tad tighter, and should’ve stretched it out before measuring it – it’s a little bit loose, and larger than it should be. That said, I’m not displeased with the effort.

Red Beer Cozy

17 July, 2008


Category: DC,Knitting,Stuff,Work — Moose @ 10:46 pm

As has been the case the previous times I’ve been on DC jury duty, I didn’t even get called back to a panel to get rejected, just sat in the lounge and eventually was let go. Not that I imagine I’d ever actually be allowed to serve – young, white gay male attorney. Yeah, not so much wanted by parties on juries.

Did get a couple inches done on the next hat I’m knitting. Had a couple people ask about it, that was it. May have found an entertainment center I like, too (dropped into apartment zero after they released us). Then it was home to nap. And that’s been about it today. At least work doesn’t have to lose me another day this week – the blackberry was going nuts all day.

11 July, 2008


Category: Knitting,Pics — Moose @ 8:46 pm

Visited the LYS this afternoon. I think I have the beginnings of an addiction.

Yarn pile