20 March, 2006

Obsessions & Entertainment

Category: Games,Home — Moose @ 9:41 pm

I started pre-positioning myself to be in the new place with little in the way of entertainment (i.e., no television yet) and bought another game for my DS. Super Princess Peach. It’s so delightfully cheesy, a twist on the classic Super Mario games in which Princess Peach has to save the boys instead of the other way around. Played about 1/2 an hour tonight and it’s very addicting. Not quite as addicting as Animal Crossing: Wild World is, but still fun. Also bought a copy of it to give to my niece for her birthday this weekend.

This is making it all the more tempting to get a gaming console when it finally comes out. But first, of course, the television is needed to run it on. I’m leaning toward a dual use machine, one that’ll be a TV and a computer monitor. I’m going to put my desk in the living room so I don’t spend all of my time in the bedroom, so it makes sense just to have one device for the PC/Mac Desktop and television. I’d like to eventually also get a media PC/Mac to run stuff from, but that’s a while down the road. First get in, get settled, then worry about larger entertainment issues.

19 March, 2006

The Little Piggy Who Stayed Home

Category: Diet,Health,Home,Running — Moose @ 10:53 pm

I might lose a toenail. I’m not sure yet, but the Little Piggy Who Stayed Home on my right foot got rather testy in the last 5 minutes of my 2 hour run today. Hasn’t turned black or anything, but it’s definitely not happy with me.

After the run I dragged Richard with me to City Lights for some much needed protein (mmm, tofu…). Was pleasant, both the meal and the company, and I enjoyed both immensely.

I supposedly have a closing date now: April 7th. So in not-quite-three weeks I’ll be signing lots of paperwork to send myself into lots of debt (but with the reward of a place to live). I’m looking forward to it (the place to live, not the debt). I will likely hire movers this time, but I think I’m also going to have a “packing party” to get stuff into boxes beforehand. So if you’ve evern wanted to see what bad taste I have/had in clothes, or what my sex toy collection looks like, I’ll welcome any assistance.

Other than that, the cold I had last week is pretty much gone, replaced by the lovely spector of DC allergies. Now I remember why I keep the sudafed around. As I mentioned above, the run went well. Hopefully I’ll be knuckling down a bit more on the training as I’m a little over 2 months out from the race (eeck!). Have to arrange for leave and all that fun stuff soon, too, but I think not until after I get moved.

9 March, 2006

The Head, It Hurts

Category: Health,Home,Leisure — Moose @ 3:35 pm

Home today with an entirely self-inflicted head cold. Work is, I’m sure, going nuts as they always do when I’m out, but so be it. And I wish the meds (sudafed) that get rid of the more obnoxious symptoms weren’t so damned taxing themselves. That and I wish that I didn’t turn into a 4 year old when I get sick.

Partially fortuitous, actually, as I was home when the USPS dropped off a very important and much-anticipated package (gift check from ye olde parental units for ye olde apartment purchase).

Finished reading two books (the last two of the “Death Gate Cycle” by Weiss & Hickman) today. Not like those are tough reads, but they kept me entertained and off the computer (mmm, monster killing…).

Hopefuly sleep tonight won’t be bad – I actually slept pretty darned well last night, just woke up with a head stuffed with snot and without a will to move.

7 March, 2006

The Knees, They Hurt

Category: Home,Running — Moose @ 10:01 pm

I managed to run for the first time in 3ish weeks today. No pain in the calf, it did fine, albeit at a slow pace. My knees, now, three plus hours afterword, on the other hand, are not so happy with me. Oh well, the knees will get over it. Thankfully the calf seems to be over it, which was a royal pain in the ass.

I also got the docs I needed to review for the cult co-op. Not reading them right at the moment because, well, I’m tired of reading legal docs today. Had to read far too many for work, the mood’s just not there for this. Will read them tomorrow while I do laundry.

Work has been absolutely crazy of late, which is cutting into my social time. Silly employer (yay for Uncle Sugar, but damn he’s demanding).

Sunday’s little incident seems far too long ago. *sigh*

5 March, 2006

Huzzah for the ‘Net

Category: Exercise,Geek,Home — Moose @ 6:08 pm

Oh internets, how I missed thee. Long story short, RCN incorrectly disconnected our cable internet service during a service audit. After much hissy-fitting with the company (they cancelled a service call that was supposed to come yesterday, no explanation, no call, no checking to see if the service was actually working or not and, hence, if the visit was actually needed…), it has now (four days later) been reconnected and I/we can join the world of the living again. Stoopid lack of access.

The cult co-op/seller’s agent is supposed to get the docs to my agent tomorrow, so I should have those in my hot little hands tomorrow evening. I hope.

I hope to be able to run on Tuesday. In the meantime, had a good bike ride today, and great weight workout Friday. Backed off on the calf exercises which may have caused the original pull, so keep your fingers crossed there.

That’s life right now, real estate stuff, reading, work, and triathlon.

3 March, 2006

Still Dead

Category: Geek,Home — Moose @ 10:07 am

The internets are still dead at ye olde homestead. Stoopid cable companies. I didn’t realize how much I use the net for entertainment until it went dead. Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come when I have to switch the stuff over from one home to another.

It was semi-useful last night, actually. I took the time to review the various and sundry co-op docs they presented me with yesterday. Interestingly, I got copies of everything except the really useful/interesting docs, namely the bylaws and member’s manual. Goofballs. So I have to contact my agent(s) and have them track those down. I’m all happy to join the cult co-op, but do let me know what it is I’m agreeing to before I sign, kthnxbye.

2 March, 2006

The Internets R Dead

Category: Home — Moose @ 10:37 am

Right after I posted last night, our cable connection went dead. It seems that Comcast, bless their pea brains, knocked the big cable routing box off the wall on our hall. Didn’t knock out any of their customers, mind you, so they won’t do anything about their actions, but it did oh-so-conveniently knock out the RCN subscribers.


Anyway, that prevented me from posting around 8ish when my agent called and informed me that the sellers accepted my offer, no changes. Haven’t set the exact closing date, but it should be in early April, and then I’ll get my stuff moved over in mid to late April. Fun, fun.

1 March, 2006


Category: Home — Moose @ 5:25 pm

The offer has been made, now I just sit and wait for the executor of the estate to accept it or counter it (pray for the former).

Tick, tock, tick, tock…