14 September, 2006

Odd Things

Category: Exercise,Games,Geek,Habits,Law,Relationships,Running,Stuff — Moose @ 10:47 pm

I bought a signed copy of a memoir about breast cancer written by a lesbian this evening. I’m not sure why I did this, except that it sounds like it will be interesting reading (lesbian relationship drama!), and perhaps it might help me deal with my mother’s own survival over having had breast cancer a decade ago. An odd way to learn about it, but one does what one can.

No running this week after Tuesday morning’s run. My knees began to hurt, which is a sure sign that New Shoes Must Be Purchased, so I will do that this weekend. The race last weekend went well, despite evidently needing new shoes. I ran it under 30 minutes, as was hoped (28:10), but not under my PR (27:33). I did have to remind myself that the PR was set on a very, very flat course and that this one had two slight hills at either end, so that was some slight bit of consolation. That said, I was still happy with the results. If only the marathon would go so well.

Otherwise the silence has been merely busy. It’s the end of the U.S. Federal Fiscal Year, and since fiscal law is what I do for my Big Government Agency, it’s a relatively busy time of the year for me. I still enjoy it, thankfully, but it has kept me somewhat occupied of late. I also purchased a new game for the DS, Lost Magic, and am enjoying that thoroughly. It’s horribly distracting, but I have put it down every now and again.

Still seeing MG, and that continues to go well. He makes me happy, I enjoy the time we spend together, and I look forward to more time spent with him.

26 July, 2006

Quick Drive By Update

Category: Games,Geek,Habits,Health,Home,Relationships,Running — Moose @ 9:23 pm

Life’s a mess, as always. The air thing seems to be fixed now, I’ve killed off the last head cold from that craptacular little adventure, and I’m running again.

I had a visitor over the weekend, a boy (in the BDSM sense) who is perhaps relocating to DC. Had a very fun time with him, despite the head cold. Played tourist, played period, though not as much as either of us would have liked (again, the head cold). Mildly disappointed at that, betrayed by my body. But a fun time with him, nonetheless.

Otherwise I’ve been feeling even more anti-social than my usual wont, killing off the shows on my TiVo, catching up on the DS games I’ve been neglecting, pulling down the books I’ve not yet read and starting in on some of them.

12 May, 2006

Down Time

Category: Games,Geek,Health,Sleep — Moose @ 11:06 pm

I am hopeful that an email I received in response to my complaint to WebSense about livejournal being classified as a “personals/dating website” will help get it unblocked at the BGA. They claim to have looked over the site and put it into the category of “Message Boards and Clubs.” I’ll keep my fingers crossed, but not hold my breath.

Fighting off a head cold at the moment. No fun, but they do happen. Better than the case of stomach ickies caused by some questionable Chinese food earlier this week (spent what felt like a good part of the day in the loo the next day, though thankfully it was all coming out the right end).

Been playing the DS again, mainly animal crossing. I hope to have three new types of fruit trees up tomorrow, but we’ll see. So far I’ve had bad luck with getting trees to grow. I suspect I wasn’t watering them immediately and thus they were all wilty the next day and gone the third, but we’ll see.

Work was an absolute mess this week. One of the customer organizations within the BGA is having problems and they’ve been consuming far, far too much of my time over the last year. To the point where other customer organizations are now calling to find out where their stuff is and I keep having to stall because of the constant emergencies with the problem child. Ugh. Not where I like to be on customer service, but I suppose these things happen. Anyway, that’s absorbed most of my week, with the result that another organization is going crazy to try to get another thing off my desk that I Just Can’t Get To Yet.

I’m so glad it’s the weekend, looking forward to catching up on some much needed sleep.

21 March, 2006

Addicted to Pain

Category: Games,Health,Home,Running,Triathlon — Moose @ 10:15 pm

The Little Piggy Who Stayed Home is a trifle sore, and I can tell the nail is a tad darker than usual, but oddly enough it was completely pain-free on my run this afternoon. The dress shoes are another story, but those are never large enough for my toes, even at 2E width (I wear 4E width in running shoes). Doesn’t help to have odd feet.

Am definitely addicted to Super Princess Peach now. It took a bit to figure out that the water wheels had to be cried upon to get them to move, and the windmill had to be cycloned to get it to move, but now that I’ve learned their tricks I was able to move up two levels tonight. Such fun.

Tried to swim tonight, but the Y, as usual, never updates their web site so they had a class in there when I wanted to go in, so I got some Thai food, then groceries, then home to goof off.

I’m excited about the move, but honestly, I just want it over and done with. I want the end result, but not the process (unlike, say, triathlon, where the process is more the point). And I’m worried about window treatments, of all the odd things. I don’t need any in the living room yet, but I will need some in the bedroom so I can sleep (which means I want it as dark as possible at night). And I have no clue what’s out there, or what I want. I only know that whatever faces the outside of the building has to be white, per the cult rules (so, a liner or sheers on the inside/outside?). Ugh.

Headed home this weekend to see my parents, my brother, his wife, my 9 year old niece and my three week old niece. Should be fun, and I’ll get to try out the bed I’ll be sleeping on in the parents’ RV in June when we go up for my triathlon.

20 March, 2006

Obsessions & Entertainment

Category: Games,Home — Moose @ 9:41 pm

I started pre-positioning myself to be in the new place with little in the way of entertainment (i.e., no television yet) and bought another game for my DS. Super Princess Peach. It’s so delightfully cheesy, a twist on the classic Super Mario games in which Princess Peach has to save the boys instead of the other way around. Played about 1/2 an hour tonight and it’s very addicting. Not quite as addicting as Animal Crossing: Wild World is, but still fun. Also bought a copy of it to give to my niece for her birthday this weekend.

This is making it all the more tempting to get a gaming console when it finally comes out. But first, of course, the television is needed to run it on. I’m leaning toward a dual use machine, one that’ll be a TV and a computer monitor. I’m going to put my desk in the living room so I don’t spend all of my time in the bedroom, so it makes sense just to have one device for the PC/Mac Desktop and television. I’d like to eventually also get a media PC/Mac to run stuff from, but that’s a while down the road. First get in, get settled, then worry about larger entertainment issues.

11 January, 2006

Office Cleaning/Artificial Rat Race

Category: Games,Law — Moose @ 6:28 pm

As I said the other day, I’m moving offices soon, to a window office here at the BGA (and no, I can’t take photos of the view – as folks know, I do not identify which BGA I work for and to take a photo would clearly mark which building I’m in and thus which BGA, so no pictures. Sorry). Spent a good part of today: a) moving my furniture around (much to the chagrin of the 78 year old guy we keep around to, I kid you not, move furniture); and b) dusting/cleaning said furniture.

It’s amazing how much dust builds up both on the outside and the inside of furniture when it’s used by the same person for year (and when most of it is about as old as I am – be assured that at this BGA we’re not spending your tax dollars on furniture, nosiree).

Regardless of all this, I am excited about moving in. They painted it yesterday, hence rearranging the furniture today. The phone order went in today, so by Thursday next week it should be switched (yes, it takes that long to flip the phone cables around), and then I’ll be in there for good. I’m going to have to get some more violets and pot them in all the useless unused violet pots I have, since the cats tend to sleep on/eat my violets if I put them in windows at home.

In other news™, I bought Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS yesterday (naming the city I’m in “Crobuzon” since “New Crobuzon” wouldn’t fit). It’s almost too much like real life: buy stuff, go into debt over it, and then go do seemingly silly and useless tasks to earn money to climb out of debt, lather, rinse, repeat. That said, so far I’m liking it. It’s not as fun as Kirby: Canvas Curse, but it’s keeping me occupied.

2 January, 2006

Cooking & Housekeeping

Category: Biking,Exercise,Food,Games,Leisure — Moose @ 5:58 pm

The cooking I started this weekend continued through today. Made a big batch of homemade soy chai (caffeine free) and a similarly large batch of hummus. A touch too much olive oil taste in it right now, but I think that’ll be mellowed out somewhat once I let it sit and meld together. Added cumin this time, and I liked the effect it had. Will have to remember that for the next batch.

Otherwise I did cold wash (yay for having clean exercise gear for the week) and took out the big stack of empty boxes that was in the living room from all the holiday packages. Is nice to have a clean area. Now if I could just get rid of the extra futon mattress (anyone need a full-size futon mattress?) it’d be really and truly empty. Still have some boxes of financial records I need to shred, but those can wait for now.

Drained the batteries on both iPods completely and recharged them. Rode my bike for 40 minutes (still a tad gun shy there as the last ride caused some IT band pain – had a few tinges there today, which seemed to be helped when I rode more forward in the saddle than I normally do – might have to get the seat adjusted forward again when I go in for the first checkup). May do a few more things this evening, but for now, it’s zone out in front of the TV/Nintendo DS time.