24 September, 2006

20-ish miles

Category: Cooking,DC,Exercise,Food,Health,Parks,Running — Moose @ 9:53 pm

I have my first sports injury of the season – on my right foot “the little piggy that had none” got a lovely matched set of blisters that made the last 2-3 miles a very unpleasant walk home. Hopefully they’ll callus over and negate the need for any serious ugliness, but it was an obnoxious ending to a long run. Yay for weird toes (this particular toe smooshes down against the one next to it, such that it has a little wedge-shaped callus already, in front of where the new blisters appeared today).

Did myself a favor this time, ran out about 5-5.5 miles on the Mount Vernon trail, turned around and headed back into East Potomac Park to do three loops around Hains Point, mostly because there’s a ready source of water in Hains Point (three public bathrooms). I ended up filling up my fuel belt water bottles twice, and drained them all each time (8oz x 6 x 3 = 144 oz water). Was only down by a pound from my weight in the morning, so that wasn’t too bad.

The knees have had their usual soreness post-run, but with the freedom of sandals I was able to make it to the grocery store and back without pain. We’ll see how the piggy does in shoes tomorrow.

Simple dinner of black beans (canned, zapped), saffron rice (from a bag, stove top cooked) and fried potatoes (fresh, again stove top cooked) with MG this evening, which was quite nice, satisfying, and blessedly simple. Going to try and make crock pot oatmeal this evening with the kitchen timer I bought a while back. Am keeping my fingers crossed that it works; warm breakfast with minimal effort in the morning sounds oh-so-nice, and the durned crock pot ought to get some play at some point.

28 August, 2006

Turning Vinegar Into Wine

Category: Biking,Cooking,Food,Geek,Home — Moose @ 12:39 pm

Have I mentioned lately that I love where I bought my apartment?

Got to work this morning, changed from biking gear to office drag, and realized that I’d forgotten my cell phone. Whoops. So rather than panic and have to run back right that instant to get it (OCD much?), I made a plan to bike home at lunch, eat while here, and get the phone. It’s only a 10 minute trip door to door, so it’s easily done.

I could so quickly get used to doing this.

Making some fresh pasta, having some fake sausage and a nice pesto sauce. Called the parental units to check in with them. Checking email and the blogs on a real, non-work tracked computer.

Yeah, I could get used to this.

9 August, 2006

Overheated But Tasty

Category: Cooking,Home,Stuff — Moose @ 9:57 pm

Okay, the oven works, the cake came out very well. It does seem to run hot for the setting it was on (i.e., 375 setting was reading 425 or so when I pulled the cake out), but that’s why I got an oven thermometer, to be able to tell these things. Never trust the dial on your stove, always double check it.


Category: Cooking — Moose @ 9:07 pm

Inspired by a co-worker (and bored with not cooking enough stuff), I’m baking a chocolate ‘cake’ at the moment. It’s more brownie like than cake like, and it’s only in an 8×8 pan, but man is it good stuff. Easy recipe, baking soda and vinegar to make it rise. Tons of sugar and a good gob of oil. Ain’t nothin’ healthy or low-fat about this thing, but, as I said, man is it good stuff. Provided it comes out okay.

You see, I’ve not really tested how well the electric oven works. I’ve used it once for some hash browns, but not for real baking yet, so this is the acid test.

Wish me luck.