16 July, 2006


Category: Exercise,Habits,Health,Home,Motivation,Stuff,Triathlon — Moose @ 10:36 pm

This was a very long weekend. A goodly part of it was spent on the way to, the way from, and in Quakerstown, Pennsylvania to watch my newbie triathletes compete in their first race. The Steelman was a well run, well organized race that had both an olympic and a sprint distance race run at the same time (sprint started 1/2 an hour after the olympic folks). It was a lot of fun cheering them on, seeing them finish their first race, and just generally getting caught up in the race spirit without being in the race myself. I think that’s the first time I’ve been a spectator at a race since 1999 when I went to visit Ironman Canada with RNJTM. Was a lot of fun.

Once I got home, and got showered, I moved things around int he apartment again. The bed placement, even with the air diverters I hunted down, was just not working. The air unit has been blowing over my face when I sleep, which has caused at least one cold, and possibly a second. So I moved the bed around to the opposite wall. It works, though not like I’d prefer to have the room. At least the air thing is now solved so hopefully no more a/c induced colds this year.

Spent an hour tonight doing some yoga practice, something I’ve not done in a while. Did variations of standing poses, getting grounded, feeling how the legs supported the frame, how to adjust the movement of the body to keep centered and balanced. Felt good. Certainly it felt better than sitting online and running my fingers with friends. While I like chatting with folks, I have been spending a little too much time there and not enough working on things like the yoga practice. So it felt good to move the body again. I think perhaps hanging around with hundreds of people, many of whom are incredibly fit, was a motivator. Hmph.

Also starting to play with podcasts. I know, I know, I’m way behind the curve on them, but I typically do not use my iPod except as background noise at work, so listening to radio-type broadcasts where I’d have to pay attention to something isn’t my norm. Nonetheless I hunted down some mandarin-language podcasts through iTunes and will try to listen some more. My mandarin is very rusty, so listening to some currrent talk I think should help arrest and perhaps reverse some of the loss of skill there.

After rearranging the living room, and prior to starting dinner, I had another of those, “OMG, I own all of this” moments looking around at the apartment. It’s funny, both of the major rooms have now been reversed from how they were originally set up when I moved in, and both are probably more functional for the movement. It takes time to get things set up and arranged properly, but it seems like it’s taken longer than usual with my new home. And I haven’t even gone through and done a proper feng shui treatment of it yet, either.

9 July, 2006

Wet, Productive Sunday

Category: Food,Home,Neighbors,Stuff,Swimming,Triathlon — Moose @ 10:50 pm

Today was a wet one. I started it with a shower, then an open water swim out on the Chesapeake Bay with the club sometime around 8:30, another shower after that, then some more swimming at the cult co-op pool, then, of course, another shower. Very, very wet.

Came home from the first swim, hung up the wet suit, finally replaced my shower head (soooo nice to have a real shower head now), did cold wash (so no biking today – all my jerseys were dirty, and currently are drying on the rack).

Went and saw “The Devil Wears Prada” this evening with friends. Was quite cute, I enjoyed it. “That’s all.” Fun.

I’ve been reading a new cookbook I bought on Friday and it’s not helping my urges to add more things to the pantry and the kitchen gadget collection. There are items I need to add to the pantry, and will do so this week, but I don’t need (yet) a cast iron skillet. Nor do I need silicone oven mitts. Le sigh. But it’s been fun reading the cookbook. It’s a vegan one, and all the recipes look very accessible. The author is on my LJ friends list, and I remember hearing her trials of testing and what not, so it’s nice to read the actual book (finally) and see how well put together it is.

Off to crash soon, up for a bike ride, possibly, or more cookbook reading. Meeting of the members’ organization at the cult co-op tomorrow, and a bit of drama with that as a board member has caused a bit of a stir by perhaps getting our general manager to walk out on Friday. Moron.

4 July, 2006

Noisy Holidays

Category: Neighbors,Running — Moose @ 10:50 pm

As I sit here, at almost 11 at night, the neighborhood kids are still setting off firecrackers. And for once I’m not feeling fussy about it. I ran this morning, and Wednesdays are my normal rest days, so won’t be getting up for that, so no worries tonight.

Was a lovely holiday. Hot as all hell in the afternoon when I wandered up to party #1 of the day, then the bottom dropped out and while the humidity levels were obnoxious, the termperatures cooled down nicely. The last part of the evening was spent out on the local marina, chatting, having fun, sipping the last of my good bourbon (I’m so glad I had my brother give me a flask for Xmas), and watching the national fireworks show. And we do put on a pretty good fireworks show here in DC. I miss seeing the peace signs that went off in 2002, but I suspect the administration put the stomp down on those.

Run this morning was hot. It’s in full summer mode here in DC, which means I’m going to have to start getting up earlier to run. 9 am is just too warm now, and let’s not speak of the temps at 11 when I ran on Sunday. Ugh.

All in all was a good holiday. Sipping water now before bed, cooling off from being outside a good chunk of the day, and generally happy that I live where I do. Happy Independence Day.

17 June, 2006

Pool Time

Category: Leisure,Swimming,Triathlon — Moose @ 5:28 pm

Hate me, for I have (access to) a pool.

I’ve just spent the last 3+ hours sunning myself and/or swimming.

*cough*45 SPF sunscreen*cough*

I shall have to see what it takes to have a pool party here. I heard something about “hiring security” or the like. Anyway, would be fun. In the meantime, I’m hanging about the house nekkid while I see how burnt I got. Though so far no red (yay 45 SPF), just a mild edge taken off the normal lilly white.

This after spending several hours out watching my newbies do their first real (practice) triathlon race this morning in east Potomac park. Was fun, I enjoy cheering and watching them improve. We have several who are even possibly competitive level, which is just awesome. It’s been such fun watching them all learn the sport.

Off to dinner tonight with JT, and then I’m suspecting it’s time to go buy some new music.

14 June, 2006


Category: Biking,Running,Stuff,Triathlon — Moose @ 8:41 am

Did get new running shoes yesterday, but have done nothing with them yet, aside from dragging them home. I love buying running shoes, too, I’m probably the least difficult customer they get: “Yes, I’d like the Asics Gel Evolution in an eight and a half, 4E width. Thanks.” Always works, always does me right, no matter what they’re calling the shoe this year (they’ve changed the name at least three times in the 8 years I’ve been running).

Did bike around town yesterday on the mountain bike. Up to shoe shop, then to dinner, then home again. Such fun riding through city streets at night (not). Though my absolute favorite part is passing the folks who look like they’re uber-fit on their light little road bikes when I’m on my heavy, heavy steel frame mountain bike. Yes, it’s petty, but it gives me some measure of satisfaction that I can pass them on an uphill on my heavy bike. Might not be able to outdo them on a straight stretch, but I have at least that much ability on the hills.

Anyway, enjoying the last bits of slackersville, because the next event is just around the corner. In the meantime, club happy hour tomorrow, and a practice triathlon on Saturday for our newbies. Looking forward to getting going again, though. I get antsy after too much down time.

13 June, 2006

20 Weeks

Category: Exercise,Home,Leisure,Relationships,Running,Stuff — Moose @ 8:51 am

Counted the weeks until the marathon yesterday, it’s about 20 until the event, and I’ve not run a step since the triathlon. I need to get down to the local running store and get new shoes, though I could still run in the ones I have now that they’ve dried out. Looking at various training plans to see what I want to do to prepare for the event.

Last night was a lovely dinner with Brian at Cantina Marina. Margaritas, veggie burger, lots of dogs. Evidently Monday night is their “bring your dog to the restaurant” night and they had several cute pups out playing. The special is either a chili dog or corn dog for $1, and they provide snacks for the pups as well. Cool concept, especially for an outdoor space.

Dragged him back to show him the new apartment. After he left I straightened a lot more stuff up, put boxes away, etc. while chatting online. I’d love to get a small table that’s tall enough to chat on the laptop without having to bend over or sit down – when the boxes were piled up in here that was a possibility, and it definitely made chatting and cleaning much easier (I could just stop by, type a few pithy phrases and keep going). Perhaps on the one short wall where I’ve discovered that I now have room for a small table. We’ll see.

Only two more boxes of books left to be put away and then all boxes will be gone. Only two months in, that’s good for me. Now I just need to find a good shredder on sale so I don’t accumulate as much stuff as I did in the last two places…

Been texting off and on with last week’s date while he’s off on vacation. Trying not to bug him while he’s relaxing, yet still keep some contact. For the most part I’ve been succeeding, letting him get up on Left Coast time and text me first. Has been quite fun, he’s very flirty and good with words, both qualities I enjoy.

8 June, 2006

Sleeping In

Category: Exercise,Health,Law,Sleep,Stuff,Triathlon — Moose @ 10:28 pm

Sleepy tonight, long day at work on not quite enough sleep. The first day back wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been. Did find out my semi-boss is going to transition into a plain ole coworker and we’re going to find a new semi-boss, which is fine, I like the semi-boss and am glad he’ll do that rather than burn out and/or leave; he’s good people.

Debating the course of my training now. I’d like to find another triathlon race this year as well as the marathon. In the meantime I’d also like to do some body work in the form of core training and some good yoga for balance. And I’d also like to focus on dropping some of the extra weight I’m carrying around, since it’s not exactly the most helpful thing to carry during a race. One day at a time.

And I still need to write up the race this weekend.

Did get some much needed laundry done, and some bike maintenance. Need to take both bikes in sometime soon to have them tuned. The rear deraileur on the mountain bike was being silly as I cleaned the chain tonight, so I suspect that needs looking at, and I should have the tri bike cleaned up after the rain mess it went through in the race. Also managed to get some bills sent off for reimbursement by insurance and my health savings account, so that will help the state of the savings account a little bit.

And now, time to crash. After I get some new shoes next week I’ll get back to running, but in the meantime, I’m enjoying being able to sleep in, even if only for an hour.

6 June, 2006


Category: Leisure,Relationships,Triathlon — Moose @ 9:09 pm

I was going to sit down and write up the rest of the trip report, but I’m just too wiped out to do it, and I have other things on the brain tonight.

The race went well. It was wet, wet, wet, wet, wet. And not just the swim. But I’ll post more details later in a longer race report. I did finish, and about where I thought I would, which was not bad.

The trip was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed spending all that time with my parents. Again, I’ll post my final thoughts on that later.

Mostly my brain is focused on tomorrow. I have to run several errands on the final day of vacation, including getting a new driver’s license with the new address, picking up my backup glasses, a haircut, some exercise of some sort, and a dinner date. I’m actually excited about the date, which hasn’t happened in a while. But I don’t want to jinx it by overanalyzing it here. Suffice to say I’m looking forward to it.

So, until then, I’m going to go unpack and enjoy being back in my own bed (which doesn’t have springs to roll over in the middle of the night!!).

2 June, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go the F*ck Away

Category: Triathlon — Moose @ 7:35 pm

It has continued to rain off and on for most of the afternoon, and looks to do so into the night and all day tomorrow. The bike course, which we drove as it began to rain, is going to be a challenge – lots of ups and down and some relatively rough roads. There’s one downhill & turn that’s actually marked “dangerous intersection” because several folks have fallen there in prior years and even broken some bones. And we get to ride it in the rain. I plan to go very slowly down that particular hill.

The water wasn’t that bad when I dipped a hand in, so I suspect that’ll be better than expected. The run will be out and back on the same road we start the bike course, some hills, some rough road, some gorgeous glimpses of Newfound Lake off to the side, but it’s a run, and running in the rain isn’t all that bad, unlike cycling in it.

It promises to be a memorable, if not perhaps the most enjoyable, race experience tomorrow.

1 June, 2006

And One Other Thing

Category: Triathlon — Moose @ 5:22 pm

Since we now have internet access we checked the weather forecast for Saturday (the day of the race) on the 03222 zip code that contains the park. Thus far it’s reading:

6 a.m.: Rain.
9 a.m.: Rain.
12 p.m.: Rain…
& c.

If it goes off, which is never a given when it’s raining and one is supposed to swim, it’s going to be One Wet Race.