11 January, 2025
Late start to the morning, didn’t end up working out until around lunch time (walk 30 minutes on the treadmill; 25 minutes of strength training). Before that I emptied out three drawers in my dresser, sorted shirts into ‘yes, no, maybe’ piles, put the yeses away, put the nos in a bag, and put the maybes aside for a consultation with the husband. Those will likely be nos in the end, but there some sentimental bits in there so I’ll check first. Worked out, cleaned myself up, ate. Then back to the remaining drawers. I’d already done a cull of exercise gear last year, but needed to rearrange the order of things based on what I’m actually doing now (more walking, less cycling). There was a surprising amount of little junk in one of the drawers, which all got pulled out and bagged until I can find a home for some of it. But the dresser has been set back up so all the drawers close cleanly now, which was the major goal.
Went through a storage cube in the bookshelf in my office that really needs to be a set of drawers (the cube is too big for what I store in it, with the result that it’s difficult to find and pull out what’s needed). IKEA has some, but I’m not going out today.
Read a bunch of comics, but with the late start not as many as I thought I would today. I am down to just the box (huzzah!), and I’ll get through more tomorrow before the husband puts more in my pile.
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9 January, 2025
Used the random day off to nap and to catch up on comics. I’m not quite a month behind at this point; the little box I use to hold ‘to be read’ comics is full with overspill. I almost got all the overspill into the box today, but I still have 8-10 comics that won’t quite fit.
Very glad I’m not attending Mid-Atlantic Leather this weekend, the whole thing just sounds like a nightmare. Mostly because gay men tend to be incredibly immature and an event like this brings out the worst in far too many of them. Then you add in generational anxiety (like seriously, fellow Gen-Xers, what in heavens name did y’all do to your kids that they’re this anxious and incapable of functioning on their own?) and all the other kink drama, and no ma’am, not interested. Nice to shop the market sometimes, but the second-hand drama is more than enough for me.
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8 January, 2025
The husband was out late, and it’s still gross outside from the snow, so I was up late last night to grab him from the Metro. But that’s okay, because it meant I slept in this morning, so he had to walk himself to the Metro first thing to get to work. Karma.
Still walked on the treadmill, still made my morning meetings (that I’d forgotten until the work computer dinged at me), still got a lot of work done. Today was more of a ‘leading people’ day than substantive legal work, which is okay by me.
Then it was picking up the husband from the Metro, grabbing the weekly haul of comics, and enjoying pasta at the Italian place next door to the comic shop. I’ll pay for the pasta tomorrow, but it was tasty. Apropos of that I ordered a new enzyme supplement that’s supposed to help with digesting FODMAPs, and is aimed squarely at the ones that I react to, so here’s hoping that’s useful once it arrives.
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7 January, 2025
Huh, WP is behaving in Safari tonight. Yay computer weirdness.
The husband kindly volunteered to do the little bit of snow shoveling we have to do (a driveway, which is two cars wide and maybe 10 feet long, and a couple feet of sidewalk). Very happy we did not have to commute today.
Trying to catch up on comics today, because I’m a month or so behind, still. I’ve been reading multiple issues a day, but the two weeks out of town just put me so far behind. And, of course, working. Good conversation this afternoon with our newest attorney over how I’ve previously handled part of her new portfolio, as well as filling her in on some of the oddities of the small gubm’nt agency’s operations.
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1 January, 2025
Windy start to the new year. Walked outside after lunch (Denny’s, which was chaos; I tipped our poor waitress very well). Walk went well, had one spot where a gust threatened my balance, but kept my feet okay and kept going. Slightly longer walk today since it was the last “warm” day for the near future (47F/8C) as a cold front brings possible snow this upcoming weekend.
In a very rare showing we were at the comic shop before they opened at 11, and were not the first to get there. I grabbed a dessert drink from the Starbucks down the shopping row while we waited (sugar cookie latte, with sprinkles).
Now the husband is making homemade hotdog buns in a new pan I got him for Xmas. Yes, it’s easier to buy them at the store, but this seemed like something fun for him to try. From the cursing I’m hearing from the general direction of the kitchen it might not be as fun as intended, but I’m guessing they’ll still come out tastier than store brand, just from the ingredient list.
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30 December, 2023
Spent the early afternoon culling books from my office. Mostly old triathlon books that I am not going to use again, and who could find a better life elsewhere. Rearranged some of the remaining books, and left some space for more which are sure to come. This shelf serves as my Zoom background when working from home, and always gets compliments, so I like to shake it up from time to time. Plus I really do need more space to fit some of the stuff (books and legos) I got for the holidays.
The husband is up in NYC for a day trip, seeing musical performances numbers 99 and 100 (he’s currently in number 99) for him for this year. He realized he was really close to 100 about a month ago and I urged him to go ahead and aim to hit it before year’s end just for the bragging rights of his “year of theater”. And it gave me a good space to clean without him getting bored and wanting me to drag him out of the house to go do something. 😉
This upcoming year is going to be a challenge. There’s the knee, and the ongoing medication adjustments from the TIA (BP was almost in the normal range this morning, which was nice to see). There were some shenanigans with pay for our top ranks at work, including me, because our former GC was a bit fast and loose with his legal work, so I will take a slight haircut on base pay for the year. Not paralyzing, but definitely annoying. And whatever else life tosses my way. Nothing unsurmountable (so far), just mostly annoying. Though I would like the knee to get back to normal sooner rather than later, since moving is important to me and I would like to do it like a normal person again, and not a semi-invalid.
Likely going to go catch up on some comics this afternoon, and maybe hit a long-delayed cross-stitch pattern that I had lost the bits for on the shelf, but which have now been found.
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30 January, 2007
I love this description of cheese:
{the scene: some goblins are in a dungeon, having just raided food from above, and are looking over what they’ve found, including some cheese}
Goblin1: What the hell is this stuff made of?
Goblin2: Well, humans live around a lot of cows…
Goblin3: Cows?
Goblin4: Large, Fleshy beasts that eat grass.
Goblin 2: The squeeze the creature’s milk out of large, dangling nipples next to its groin. Then they let the lactation go rotten until it hardens and… and…
Goblin1: [general look of horror]
Yeah, I’d say that about sums it up.
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