22 April, 2010
I have been experimenting with my usual snacks at work. I keep some ‘deluxe mixed nuts’ at my desk for those times I’m craving salt, and they’re usually fine, but occasionally I seem to get an upset stomach. I suspect it may be the cashews, so I’ve been working through the nuts one by one, eating some and not others. Today was the last of them, the cashews, so we’ll see how I feel later tonight. If it’s the cashews I shall be miffed (they’re a fave), but also relieved to know what it was that’s been screwing with ye olde tummye. Would mean more almonds, less mixed. Or giving cashews away to co-workers. Either way works.
Working my way through a sock this week. Started it Sunday while waiting for the cable guy and I’m now into the arch increases (toe-up, of course). Did have to rejigger the numbers once when I discovered I was knitting a bit tighter than I’d thought, but that’s good, they’ll fit better that way and not be too long.
Got permission today to hire our first choice for the new attorney slot. Huzzah! So help will be on the way in a month or two (or three, depending on the admin process *sigh*). But yay, I get help!
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18 April, 2010
Other than the Comcast situation, things are pretty good here. Training is going apace, I have a plan for my swimming (the weakest of the three legs for me). I’m a tad apprehensive about getting up to the right volume of long rides given my volunteer duties with NTP, but I think I’ll be there for Eagleman. I’m already up to it for Columbia, and I expect that race will go fairly well, all things considered.
We’ve passed two candidates up to the next and final round of interviews for the other fiscal law position at work. Hopefully the interviews will get scheduled soon and we can get him or her on board in short order. Took us longer to get the reference checks done simply because of the nature of scheduling at work the week before last.
Along the same lines, I’m trying to get a better handle on my work load so I can know what things should and can get passed along to the new person. There are several ‘what if’ projects I’d like to start laying out as well, getting reference materials together to make it easier for myself and others to find things related to our budget and the organizational structure of the BGA.
Hosted my friend Rob this weekend, up from Richmond. Mostly I let him wander on his own as I had club and cable stuff to deal with, but we did get to spend some good time together, which was fun. I’m afraid such events will become more scarce as August approaches and I become pickier about my training and recovery needs.
Signed up for a running clinic next month with the folks who established the style of running I’ve been trying to do. Should be interesting to get some feedback from them on how I’m doing with their stuff. I suspect I’m going to be told to turn my legs over faster, but that’s fine and doable. More worried that I’m just completely off on what they were aiming for, but that remains to be seen.
Started another pair of socks yesterday, and I got yarn and a pattern from a club on Friday to knit a pair of fingerless gloves (‘texting gloves’ as they were called). Fun and interesting pattern, and great yarn for it. Looking forward to making those, but want to get the socks done first, or at least well started since those can be a Metro project where the gloves are a bit too complex for traveling.
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I have been attempting to get a new TiVo HD unit set up with Comcast. So far, they’re not impressing me. The first two appointments were complete no shows. For the first appointment on the seventh I took the day off work to wait for them to show up and pop a cablecard into the machine. At 8 pm the customer service line still wasn’t able to explain where the technician was or why he never showed in the 2-5 time frame as expected. For the second one the following Saturday, the dispatcher called an hour after the appointment to tell me they couldn’t come because they didn’t have a card available. Wouldn’t they have known that hours before making me wait around? So, rescheduled another appointment for yesterday. The tech showed, finally (and late), but the one card he brought didn’t work, so scheduled another appointment for today. The tech showed, thought he had everything good to go, and left, but again the card isn’t working. In a call later he said the system was down and to leave the thing plugged in and they’d try again to activate the thing tomorrow morning. That’s to be it for chances, though. If this doesn’t work tomorrow, I’m dumping their TV service. I’ve shown more than enough patience.
It’s a shame DSL isn’t an acceptable substitute for cable internet service or I’d dump that with them, too. It’s also a shame that the board of the cult co-op has failed to act and let RCN run lines into the compound so we’d have actual choice for cable services here. Without it my sole leverage is dropping them, which is looking more and more likely now. I’d miss some of the shows, but at least the monthly bills will go down if it happens. We’ll see tomorrow.
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7 April, 2010
Biked up for errands this morning (dentist, picking up glasses, etc.), and there was a serious amount of stupid on the trail in Rock Creek. No helmet, helmet on but unbuckled (doesn’t do much good if it flies off your head when you fly off the bike…), people running on the left side of the trail, etc. Most annoying. Kinda makes you want to get “Trail Rules” signs like they have on other trails in the area.
Why is it that you say “I’m a triathlete” and suddenly you become all intimidating to some people?
I really, really wanted aero bars on my single speed bike this morning while down around East Potomac Park. File under “you know you’re a triathlete if…” you want aero bars on all your bikes. The instinct to get down on the bars while on a straight, flat stretch was pretty strong. Good sign that training on the tri bike is going well. Or at least has become second nature.
No A/C yet in the building, so while I wait for the cable guy to come by and slap a cablecard into the new TiVo it’s kinda warm. We’ll have it in two weeks once they transition the system over from heat, and I’m semi-okay with this because the new general manager here at the cult co-op is having his guys come by and do a comprehensive sweep and check of all the convectors in each individual unit to ensure they’re working, clean, lubed, etc. First time it’s been described that way (past just the usual “we’re changing the filters”), so I’m okay with delaying to ensure all the equipment is working at peak efficiency, or at least at a better clip than the norm. Having vacuumed off my own units, I have seen how nasty they can get, so I can only imagine what some of them look like. It’s nice to have a proactive manager for once; he’s been big on getting in to do preventative maintenance, which is much appreciated here.
Had plans with a friend to do some gaming, but he got called in to do more on a research project he’s leading at school, so no go there. A nap sounds like a good alternative. With the lack of A/C and temps in the 90s the past few days sleep has been elusive. Lots of tossing and turning and odd dreams, including some disturbingly vivid erotic ones. Waking up at 2 am with an almost painfully raging hard-on from one of those is not conducive to a lot of rest.
I’ve been indulging a crush, which has been fun. I feel like I can begin dating again, that I’m ready for that, with the result that I’ve been keeping my eyes open and my flirt meter at “medium high”. But I also feel like I’m looking more with an eye to finding something more than just casual. As always, nothing is set in stone, but we’ll see where the path leads.
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4 April, 2010
It’s been spring cleaning season here at Maison du Moose. I’ve been collecting things that need to be donated, and tossing those things which aren’t donation worthy. Several boxes were untouched in almost 4 years, and while there were a few things which were saved from one or two, most of them were summarily dumped. It’s amazing how much space you can clear up when you do stuff like this. I keep surprising myself in the linen closet/hall closet/extended medicine cabinet with all the empty space on the shelves. I’m sure I’ll figure out things to rearrange, but for now it’s nice to see empty shelf.
Have to figure out how to completely delete my old PC and then recycle the parts. I think I shall enlist the help of a friend who does forensic computer stuff for a living and see what he recommends. I haven’t turned it on in almost two years, it needs to stop taking up space and get outta here, along with its cart.
Post brunch I hauled it back here to keep sorting and cleaning. Eventually a friend found his way down and had some fun looking through the archeological finds in some of the boxes with me, but we eventually made our way down to the local watering hole and had a nice dinner. A quick trip to the grocery store afterward to pick up needed supplies (note to self, don’t go again when you’re feeling a craving for sweets), and now it’s crash time to get the week going.
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25 March, 2010
This week we’ve been interviewing for the other fiscal attorney that we advertised for last month, which advert closed two weeks ago tomorrow. Six down, three to go; we did the first three on Monday and Tuesday, with three today and three tomorrow. Da bosses decided I would be lead on the six final interviews, since I am the subject matter expert here, and I hadn’t realized quite how stressful interviewing could be. I mean, we have some set questions we’re asking of all the candidates, and have some clear top choices to send up the chain for our bigger bosses to interview and make the final selection, but at the same time there have been one or two where they clearly weren’t what we were looking for, but you still have to go through the motions. Plus the added factor of it being several hours out of your day where you the work is still piling up. Ugh. The political bosses are on vacation next week, so their interviewing will happen week after next (I hope), then it’s offer time and get someone in 2-4 weeks after that. So maybe in a month at the fastest, but likely more like 2 months, I’ll have help. And someone new to train on all the odd little programmatic authorities the BGA has. But hey, help will be help, and it can’t happen soon enough.
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24 March, 2010
Took a personal day today to get the annual eye exam done, and drop off the mini for needed maintenance. While I was out and about I decided to run by the local hardware store over on Capitol Hill and check out some paint colors. Picked up three samples for the bedroom and one for the bathroom. The bathroom one is going to work, I think, and it’s a shame that the sample is the wrong kind of paint for a ‘wet’ room because that little pot would cover the whole kit & kaboodle. The three in the bedroom will need to be observed over several days in different lights to see which of them I am going to want. They’re all in a grey-blue tone, of varying bits of blue and varying degrees of light/dark. I suspect the lightest is going to be the one to go with, but I need to see them in different light first.
And yes, it has taken me four years to get paint. Hush.
I also picked up a little razor/knife thingey to enable me to cut several light switch covers and electrical covers off the walls where the idjits who painted the apartment before I moved in painted over them. If I ever catch a contractor I’ve hired doing the same, I’ll skin ’em alive. I’ve now replaced the covers in the kitchen, front hall and bathroom. Forgot (or didn’t look) to get three other light switches, but I can get those when I go back for the paint. Gotta say, I am SOOOO glad I got rid of that stupid blue ceramic cover in the bathroom. Ugh. That thing drove me nuts. Replaced them all with pewter-tone steel, which matches the aluminium ‘theme’ of the cult co-op. Next step will be replacing the actual switches and plugs in the walls, as they’re all disgustingly dirty and mostly painted over in varying hues. But that’s for another day when I feel like sitting down and (not) playing with electricity.
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21 March, 2010
The first weekend of spring was absolutely glorious here in DC. Despite my normal thing that Sundays are supposed to be my one, true “rest” day from exercise during the week I managed to bike across town and back twice, and over to the Hill once. Grabbed brunch with friends this morning up in Dupont, stretched it to an almost two hour affair, until the sun came round the building and started to hit us. The Hill trip was to pick up new tires for the tri bike, which is off the trainer, hopefully for the season, and needed new ones to make up for the wear from using the trainer all winter. I’ll keep the old tires for next winter.
Five gazillion people were on and around the Mall both trips up to Dupont, and in the afternoon coming back from brunch. “When marches/causes collide” could have been the caption. One of the many reasons I love living here, you never know what stuff folks are going to be in town protesting or praising.
Biked back up to Dupont for a last minute dinner/drinks (club soda for moi) thing with my friend M who is vaguely trying to hook me up with another cute friend of his, P. This was the second time we’d met, and P seems a little bit shy, but was generous with a hug both when I got there and when he left, so we’ll see.
In between bike trips I managed to take care of bills, update the financial software, sort mail, and vacuum, but not a lot else. Gotta say, I’m quite happy I picked up a little Dyson 24 from Woot last month, it’s been a peach, and has cleaned a hell of a lot better than my old vacuum did. I’m trying to keep the dust population down this year, hoping that will help with ye olde allergies, and this sucker has been very good for that. The sole complaints I had with it are that there’s no place on the unit to store the extra little non-carpeted-floor attachment that came with it (no biggie, I just toss it in a bucket I keep in the same hall closet), and that the cord is too short to get the entire apartment from one plug (it’s a small apartment), which has been remedied by use of an extension cord I had lying around. It gets under the bed easily with the little floor attachment, and it’s small enough to carry around when I’m using said attachment around the hardwood floors. Definitely a good purchase.
Goal for the week is to complete recovery from the race and prep the schedule for the next two to three races. Really happy with how the season has started, and hope it continues in the same vein.
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In considering yesterday’s race results I realized that I’ve done enough races that I really should put the results down in one place where I can check them against one another – hunting across the web or through my archives wasn’t cutting it in my 6th season of doing tris and my eleventh year doing running races. So I started collecting race results in a spreadsheet for myself, and in doing so realized that yesterday’s result was a personal record for me at that distance. By all of 4 seconds. Which sounds much more impressive after it’s revealed that the previous PR (Dismal Swamp Stomp, 2007) was on a completely flat course, which yesterday most certainly was not, making yesterday the harder effort of the two. Is good to have data, and better to see that I’m still improving.
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20 March, 2010
It’s dark at 4 am when you get up for a race. I had to wear my glasses to bike over to the race this morning, since it started at 7, which was about 15 minutes before the sun came up. Switched to the sunglasses even in the dark because I knew I’d want them on the course, but not for biking over.
Nice, cool morning. Bike ride over was easy, though it took me a bit to find bike parking. I was the only one on the actual rack near the finish line – most people just locked up to street signs. Changed into running stuff, ran into club folks who were volunteering, club folks who were running, and other friends and coworkers who were running as well while we waited inside. Seeded myself back according to the time I thought I’d do. Interestingly, they assigned us to “corrals” according to our speed, but then didn’t put numbers out for the corrals, just the expected times. Ooookay.
They threw the professionals out on the course and then began the slow crawl toward the starting line. Once we got going I did pretty well pacing myself at just under 10 minute miles (and the results show my 10k split was at an average page of 9:55 min miles). The last half was a bit slower as we hit hills and I tired out some, but the 2:15:03 finish time was perfectly fine by me. As the first race of the season I wasn’t looking to break any personal records, just to get out and do the distance before the tri season got started. The course itself was good, the right level of challenge for an early race, though it was a tad quiet since a good chunk went through downtown’s business district and some sleepy neighborhoods. Adams Morgan was nice and cheery, with a good crowd, and there were good pockets of cheering here and there as well through North Cap and the Hill. I had fun giving high fives to a bunch of little kids along the race course where I spotted them in time. In any case the kids cheering always brought on a good smile.
Mile 11 seemed to be the missing mile for a lot of people, as in we hit 11 and then the next thing you knew, you were hitting the marker for 12 and thinking, “where did that last mile go?” At least 2-3 other people I talked to had the same experience. The last couple miles were challenging, and I was thanking my lucky stars I was just doing the half as it was starting to warm up as we came into the finish chute. I’m nicely sore this afternoon after a short nap and some goofing off on the PS3, post-race, but not injured and feeling pretty good. A good way to start the season, and I look forward to the rest of it.
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