28 October, 2012


Category: Books,Cooking,Relationships,Shopping,Stuff,Weather,Work — Moose @ 5:07 pm

Waiting for Hurricane Sandy to hit the DC area is a mess. Haven’t seen a thing here yet, except empty grocery stores. Am very, very glad I made the boy go shopping last night rather than waiting until today – facebook and the like have been full of pictures of empty shelves.

Dragged in the boy’s chair from his balcony, and I took a few things off my own balcony yesterday before coming over to dog-sit today while the boy was at work. Past that there’s not a lot else to do but wait and see what hits tonight and whether I’ll be going to work tomorrow. Luckily I have the option of covered parking at the boy’s place, so the car should be fine when the first wind (and related tree debris) hits. It’s highly unlikely that either of our places will lose power – the boy’s school has “backups for their backups” and my place is close enough to the capitol that all the power lines are buried.

So far I’ve read two comics that were in “the pile” (of reading material waiting for attention), futzed around in the kitchen (butternut squash soup in the crock pot), walked the dog twice as much as he normally goes out, and tried not to pay attention to the work documents that I brought home in case the office is closed tomorrow (that, at least, was successful; I’ve given the taxpayers no free work today). I wish my bike and trainer were here at the boy’s, then I could’ve at least ridden for a bit. But the waiting is the worst.

25 October, 2012

Monthly Update

Category: Body,Decorating,Home,Running,Stress,Stuff,Work — Moose @ 9:30 pm

If for no other reason, I want the election done and over with so I can know how chaotic the next two months after that will be (transition to a new administration [high chaos] versus retention of the incumbent [mild chaos]). Add to the normal mess this whole “sequestration” thingey and I’m not making any travel plans for late December, much to the boy’s annoyance, since we’re supposed to go to Boston and then to the midwest for a wedding. It would be nice if we could count on Congress acting like adults, but they won’t, so in the meantime the rest of us are stuck.

Went in to get new orthoses from a new podiatrist this morning. Hoping these will be better. We talked a lot about the mechanics of the inserts and what did and didn’t work, so feeling pretty good about this set. Will be nice to be able to run again. Saw the dentist Tuesday, teeth are all good. Seeing a new allergist next week, which should be interesting, not least because I’m off allergy meds for the next week. The last time I got tested the only result was being told that I was pretty much allergic to everything, which was neither helpful nor illuminating. So I’m looking for a bit more precision this time, and a different treatment regimen. I’m just tired of taking sudafed daily to dry out my sinuses. Breathing normally without drugs would be a welcome change.

The boy and I are slowly fixing my apartment for his eventual move in. We both have plans this weekend, so can’t do the furniture move/painting we thought we could, so that’ll shift to the weekend after. It’s good that we have time to adapt it and don’t have to do it at once, I think that’s going to help me with the transition. I suspect it’ll be harder on me since we’re taking a space that I’ve had as a solo sanctuary and sticking two people in it. Not that it’ll be stress free for him, either, but hey, my blog, my feelings.

3 October, 2012


Category: Aging,Silliness — Moose @ 7:30 am

And now, the fourth fifth decade begins.

(Well, not until 8-something tonight, but I figure the day is close enough.)

11 September, 2012

Visit: Successful

Category: Family,Home,Relationships — Moose @ 11:33 pm

Two quick updates: 1. The parental unit visit went very well; and 2. I think we have a solution for the dawg.

Was very good to see the parentals, and they enjoyed hanging around in DC. This was the 2nd time they got to see the boy, so it was “grill the man who’s going to be our future son-in-law” time. He was much, much more relaxed than the first meeting, so it went off without a hitch.

On the dawg, I spoke with my brother and I think we can work something out where the dawg will stay with him and his family, with the boy and I kicking in the cash to take care of dawgger. At least in that way we’ll be able to get down and visit him, and perhaps if future living arrangements allow, take him back. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

Otherwise things are going okay. Work’s work, the end of the year stuff has started, which tends to keep me nice and busy. Starting to lay out plans for next year’s tri season, and planning for the bike ride the boy wants to do. And making more plans for the eventual consolidation of households in the spring, most of which revolves around adapting my apartment to fit us both.

30 August, 2012


Category: Dating,Home,Relationships — Moose @ 10:46 pm

The parental units arrive on Tuesday. They last visited in 2006. Just after I bought this apartment. Well before I was engaged. 14 years since i’ve lived in DC and this is the 2nd time they’ve visited. But I’m (incredibly) not bitter. Yeah.

The boy told me to handle to dawg issues. His beagle can’t move into my apartment in the spring. And he can’t deal with the whole not there things. So, me.

I wish I wasn’t underwater on my mortgage. I like the dawg. We’ll make other arrangements so we can get the dawg back when I can move.

Thanks, housing bubble.

So there we are. Forget the wedding, how do we deal with the dawg?

8 August, 2012

Limping Along

Category: Cooking,Exercise,Food,Health,Mood,Stuff,Work — Moose @ 10:41 pm

Surprising the boy with a slow cooker batch of meatballs tomorrow. He’s been at a work retreat the past two nights and gets back tomorrow, and will do so to an apartment that will smell fabulous.

I’m still irritated at myself, with regard to my last post on countfour. And I’m finding it difficult to blog as well. It’s an election year in DC, I can’t really talk about work or politics (yay Hatch act!), and it seems crazier than normal (in no small matter because of the proliferation of political ads, since Virginia is in play this year). I did finally get new orthotics for running, after some drama with the PT shop (the first set was too wide/tall & had to be shaved down to fit; PT guy was clearly not happy when I brought them in for refitting, but we got it resolved). So now I can run again, and have been starting to get back to that.

We’ve put in a request for a proposal for a wedding venue. Like the place, options seem good, then it’s just picking a date. Oy. The only date we know we want/have to work around is July 6, which is next year’s Total 200 ride, which the boy has said he wants to do next year, and I’m game to ride with him.

20 June, 2012

Brutal Honesty

Category: Body,Diet,Food,Habits,Health,Lists,Mood,Motivation — Moose @ 10:02 pm
  1. I’m fat (by which I mean I’m well overweight, not that I’m fatally obese).
  2. I don’t like what my body looks like, naked.
  3. The state of my body and health embarrasses me.
  4. Being overweight affects my self-confidence in all aspects of my life.
  5. I do not have self-control over junk food.
  6. My body is not forgiving, so my diet needs to be exemplary.
  7. I’m an emotional eater.
  8. When I don’t plan my eating, I don’t eat well.
  9. I spend too much energy trying to find a perfect, total solution to these problems, rather than focusing on small, incremental changes.
  10. I get angry when small setbacks occur.
  11. I give in to the negative talk in my head.
  12. I obsess over my flaws.
  13. These things hold me back from being the person I want to be.
14 April, 2012

A Review

Category: Snark,Theatre — Moose @ 8:04 am

I enjoy the theater. Enough so that I have season tickets at the local one, three blocks from my apartment. And they’ve done a really good job since they reopened in their new facility (on the old grounds). But it seems like every season there’s one dud, and last night’s was it. A Long Day’s Journey into Night was more like A Long Night’s Attempt to Keep From Falling Asleep. Highlights from the audience:

  • The boy said I’ve never been that fidgety in a play before.
  • The one intermission came less than an hour into the play, which was three hours long.
  • We both were checking our watched almost religiously to see when the three hour torture session would be over.
  • In the first part one gentleman on the other side of the balcony was actually snoring (someone woke him, thankfully).
  • Many, many heads were nodding, including the poor woman beside me.

Not good signs.

I understand why the play won the pulitzer; its treatment of addiction in a time when such things weren’t discussed would have been ground-breaking. But in today’s bare-all environment, references to being a “drug fiend” are merely quaint. And you’ve got to work on the pacing of that particular play. There were massively long segments that just weren’t interesting or engaging. At all.

Eh, as I said, they usually have one play that’s a dud, so this was it this season. The next two, The Music Man and The Normal Heart both look to be much more engaging. Thank heavens.

10 April, 2012


Category: Family,Government,Television,Work — Moose @ 7:12 am

My Big Gubm’nt Agency (BGA) has fucked up something in its spending and internal controls, which means we get to report a violation of law. Was telling the boy about this yesterday evening, because it’s been dragging on for months now as we investigate, but we finally met with several senior managers and came to agreement that it is indeed a violation and so we have to report it per statutory and regulatory guidance. And somehow I got tasked with writing the first draft of the letters, which have to go to the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate (aka the Vice-President), the Comptroller General and the President himself, through the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Whee! Thankfully I’m not the one who will sign his name to the letters – someone much, much higher in the BGA gets to be that lucky stiff, but I have to write the majority of the story here.

The funny thing was that I didn’t consider this any big deal, it’s just part of my job. An annoying part, to be sure, but just part and parcel of working as an attorney for a BGA, practicing appropriations law. In mentioning that I had to write the letters, and who they’re going to, the boy did a double take, repeated the recipient list (with the phrase “you have to write letters to…”), and gave me a shocked look. I suppose it doesn’t help that he’s been watching the entire run-through of the show The West Wing lately, so he’s had politics on the brain.

It’s hard not to become jaded about such things, since they are part of my job, albeit a rare part. But it was interesting to see the reaction from someone who doesn’t live and breathe politics in his daily life.

4 April, 2012

Time Away from the Routine

Category: Dating,DC,Family,Tourists — Moose @ 4:53 pm

Hauling a six year old around one of the most popular-with-kids museums in the Smithsonian system is tiring, to say the least. No sense of personal space, popping around wherever they can. The most amusing part was that she was rushing us through so she could get to what she truly wanted to do – go to the gift shop! She made out okay there, picking up a cherry blossom festival branded panda and some candy to take back to her sister.

It’s been a fun visit, though. Played some on the Wii with her, chatted with my brother, played tourist. Fun stuff. And after we put them on the train tomorrow, the boy has the rest of the afternoon off with me. Not a bad way to spend most of a week.