I was hit by a car tonight.
I was walking across Independence Avenue, with the crosswalk, and there was an SUV with NJ plates who was partially blocking the crosswalk (as in, over the END of the crosswalk and over in the intersection), and evidently that was enough to block the driver’s sight as he turned left and hit me.
He barely tapped my left knee and I smacked his hood as I was waving at him, yelling at him, and backing up. Insisted he pull over, he was very polite, and very apologetic. I called the police, two women gave me their cards to be witnesses (I’ll email thanks tomorrow), and when the police came he was again very polite and calm. The police cited him for failure to yield to a pedestrian, I refused medical service (wasn’t more than tapped, though I will call my orthopedist tomorrow morning and go in to check it out just in case), and that was that.
Not the way I saw my Wednesday night starting out.