17 July, 2024


Category: Body,Commuting,Knitting — Moose @ 10:43 pm

Started another hat for Metro knitting, and have actually done some of it on the Metro, but more of it at home. I’m going to work up some knitted dishcloths for the Metro now because I need a couple gifts for my PT shop. When I stopped going for my knee it was kind of abrupt and I didn’t feel like I got to give them a good thank you and goodbye. I went back this week to address some shoulder tendonitis (probably brought about by “aggressive knitting”, at least that’s the story I’m going with, from working with speed on the brioche hat) and I thought it would be fun to gift a couple dishcloths since being able to knit without pain is a big part of why I’m going. I’m only doing one more appointment with the PT in three weeks before I go back to see the orthopedist for a follow up a week or two after that, but that will be plenty of time to whip up a couple fancy looking dishcloths. I’ve done a couple here for myself and I use them regularly, both as dishcloths and to pick up hot lids when I don’t feel like reaching for something heavier. I’ve got plenty of cotton yarn in a couple different colors at the moment, so I don’t even have to go get any more supplies. Perfect.

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