30 August, 2024

Done. Next.

Category: Knitting — Moose @ 10:29 am

Finished the endless scarf yesterday, but not without some screaming. With 2-3 rows left to go I dropped a stitch and it quickly dropped down 6-7 rows as I was trying to stop it (I needed to turn the work to grab it properly). No one else was home, so I let myself scream in frustration. Managed to finally grab it and crochet-hook it back into place, along with much swearing. Bound it off, weaved in the remaining ends, and done.

Today I’m starting a short scarf, but one with a new-to-me i-cord cast on, and with a more detailed pattern that will involve more counting of rows. And bigger needles (US6/4mm, versus the US4/3.5mm on the endless scarf).

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