Got it finished, so without further ado:
- Breathe
- Find my rituals
- Race an Aqua-velo
- Fix the foot for good
- Go to Comrades in June
- Get an entertainment center
- Replace my shelves
- Reorganize the closets
- Hire a cleaning service
- Replace my dishwasher
- Participate in a charity ride, if there is one this year
- Cull my clothing
- Donate the old microwave
- Check on upgrading my cable service to digital
- Re-read the Book of the Way and its Power, in Mandarin
- Frame my graduate school diplomas
- Assist at CBE in April in Philly
- Take more pictures
- Knit some socks
- Knit Kathy’s hat
- Knit Tina’s baby scarf
- Knit something for my nieces
- Establish a weight routine
- Visit Atlantic City
- Make margarita cupcakes
- Learn to use my convection oven
- Paint a room
- Beat 2 games on the Xbox
- Beat 2 games on the Wii
- Play a game online with a friend
- Reduce my waist size back to a comfortable one
- Increase the gauge on my earrings
- Commission a piece of art
- Reduce or eliminate caffeine
- Reduce my consumption of HFCS
- Replace the old PC
- Get a set of blinds
- Clean behind the fridge
- “Fix” the front hall
- Floss regularly
- Get at least one professional massage
- Attend a heart circle
- Pay off another student sub-loan
- Read more books
- Get below 155lbs
- Have friends over for dinner
- Host a bad movies party
- Host a game day
- Do a massage exchange
- Take a knife skills class
- Pick up items from Les
- Brunch
- Practice erotic play
- Read the unread Chinese fiction in my collection
- Go see A in Vancouver
- Look into getting ink
- Cry
- Clean out the kitchen cabinets
- Update my resume
- Roomba-ize the living room
- Go dancing
- Get folks down to Cantina Marina
- Come up with a display for my medals
- Frame my finished cross stitch projects
- Finish a cross stitch pattern
- Get a power tap for the tri bike
- Get a body fat scale
- Get photos done
- Use my crock pot
- Take leftovers in for lunch
- Decorate the bathroom
- Go on a date
- Pay off a credit card
- Remember that I have an oven
- Record things in Quicken faster
- Track my cash spending
- Clip coupons
- Go to the Holocaust museum
- Join a museum society
- Meet Tycho
- Fix the tire sensor on the car
- Fix the AC in the car
- Get air purifiers
- Increase my TSP contributions
- Water my plants regularly
- Grow balcony plants
- Cook what I grow on the balcony
- Use some of my unused gear
- Donate more books
- Go to the optometrist
- Get my annual physical
- Get away from desk at lunch more often
- Volunteer at a race
- Get to a farmers market
- Get a pedicure
- Attend a play
- Do regular core work
- Reduce surface clutter in the apartment
- Learn how to do multicolor knitting
- Clean out work desk
- Go grocery shopping more often
- Readjust my sleep schedule to earlier
- Take chair & shelf to parents
- Get rid of the extra crates
- Dispose of roomba battery properly
- Get prescription goggles
- Store my bike rack properly
- Use or donate my old cooking magazines
- Get a better tool box