7 May, 2006

25 Minutes

Category: Sex — Moose @ 4:46 pm

He was fast, in the way that young men sometimes are.

He called me from the front hall. I brought him upstairs, offered him some water. While he was still sipping from the glass he slipped a hand up under my shirt. I kissed him, tasting the water still in his mouth, feeling the coolness left from it. I took the glass, put it down, he pulled off my shirt, ran his hands over my chest in a cursory manner, immediately slid to the button on my jeans and began to pull them down as I kicked off my shoes.

“You have two pieces of metal,” he said, groping me through the jock. “Ayuh,” I replied. Off came his shirt. A quick glance at his nipple piercing, a warning that it was new, a promise to leave it be, and off came his pants and underwear. My jock quickly followed and he pulled me to him.

We made out on the couch, and he quickly established that he wanted to top. I was amenable, and after more groping and furtive, restless kisses, I had to insist that we retire to the bedroom where the supplies were.

A brief bit of wrestling, and he was behind me while I was on my knees. I wrapped him up, slicked us both up, and in he went. Arching backwards, I sought some connection of skin to skin, and he had me roll over on my back. From there I wrapped my legs around him as he hammered in and out, rabbit-like in his hurry. More kisses, a few moans, and his eyes began to roll back. As he came, I grabbed myself and jerked. Once, twice, three times and I erupted as well.

After I settled down he apologized for being so fast. “It’s been a while,” he whispered. “I’m not complaining,” I replied, smiling and gesturing at the evidence of my satisfaction that now lay upon my stomach.

“Can I use your shower?”

“Certainly, let me get you a towel.”

As the water ran I slipped back into underwear and my jeans. My socks had never made it off my feet, there was simply no time for it.

As he dressed, he mused about dinner and that we lived pretty close, a mere 20 blocks or so. “A quick bike ride, then,” I said. “Yeah.”

And with that, he was out the door, wandering back to his car. Time elapsed from when he called me to let him into the building: 25 minutes.

5 May, 2006


Category: Home,Stuff — Moose @ 7:09 pm

The boxes are gone.

I just packed up the last of the empty boxes, including the ones from the just-set-up dining table. I have space in the back of the living room (a.k.a. the dining area), there’s no boxes sitting around, and the psychic relief of having it all gone is considerable.

Of course, now that the table’s set up, now I want to rearrange the room entirely. Move the desk around, shift the storage unit. Thinking the table should go as a console behind the couch. Shift the black bookshelf around. Generally see how better to set the room up.

But man, it feels good to have those boxes gone.

4 May, 2006


Category: Health,Home,Law,Relationships,Stuff — Moose @ 4:13 pm

I hate when I overschedule.

I’m normally fairly good with putting things in the two different calendars I maintain (work and home), but I forgot to put in an after-work-work-function (aka happy hour with the other young attorneys) and scheduled dinner with a friend this evening as well. Given the relative positions of the friendships and what not, I’m choosing dinner over HH, but I hated having to spill the beans that I’d overscheduled and was not making HH (even with the real and good excuse that I have to run and get my new glasses after work today). Ah well.

Been in a mild funk the last two or three days with a lack of sleep, general feeling of pessimism, and dealing with the last bits of the relationship with CT (a handover of some things I left at his apartment). Not terribly fun, but I know it’s a temporary condition, just have to keep telling myself that.

The dining room table arrives today, as does a stool/side table for the balcony. The chairs are on backorder until the middle of the month, but that just gives me time to clear the remaining junk out of the way. Once the table’s set up I’ll have a chance to look at various designs of couches I’ve been looking at, to see if any of them would work in the space. For the most part the dining room table will be in the folded mode against the wall, so I’ve got some space for a couch in front of it, but I’ll need to actually see the space, as well as measure, etc.

Work’s nuts, with several things bouncing around. Thankfully the bosses are understanding since they’re bouncing on the same issues (as well as others). Fun stuff (not). Hopefully will settle down soon, but if not, oh well!

2 May, 2006

Running In Place

Category: Health,Running — Moose @ 8:45 am

The calf pain returned briefly this morning. It happened after I had to run in place at an intersection, waiting for the light to change so I could cross. After walking a little bit I was able to pick it up again, but that running in place (as opposed to running to move forward) would be the cause of the pain jives with my prior experience of pain after running on a treadmill. Made sure to stop at intersections and not bounce up and down (aka running in place) and it seemed to do fine. Mental note: no more bouncing, at least until after the June race.