Equifax seems to have finally realized that I am, in fact, Moose II and not Moose, Sr., nor Moose III. I can’t get to the actual file yet – they’ve not yet combined the two – but I did go over the credit accounts in the duplicate account in my name and they were all mine. So now I wait another week and call back to try to weasel them out of get an updated, corrected credit report from them. Finally all three bureas should be up to date and happy now, which makes for a very happy Moose.
Speaking of happy Moose, it’s the solstice, meaning days can get longer once more and I can get more sunlight. More sunlight = happy Moose. I don’t do well in all-dark, and would probably be a total mess if I had to live somewhere near or above the artic circle. Give me warmth and sunlight (and yes, even humidity) any day of the week over this cold, dark crap we lovingly refer to as “winter.”
And on yet another happy Moose note, I have been happily floating through the day on a dose of prescription sudephedrine. Whee! I’m guessing I picked up the cold on the train, as none of my relatives were sick this past weekend (normally there’s one family “assassin” who brings the rest of us the annual holiday cold, but none were in evidence this time). No biggie, it’ll be gone soon enough, but in the meantime I’m nice and mellow (and on legal substances, much to the chagrin of one of the older attorneys here at work who, it seems from his comments, would have preferred me mellow on something more… organic).